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Washington, DC

October 07, 2024


Export compliance training for U.S. 提高企业竞争力,降低风险.

The ability to navigate U.S. export regulations is a valuable specialty. LOL外围下注的培训课程是为各个层次的新老出口合规专业人员设计的,以了解美国法律的复杂性.S. 由国务院、商务部和财政部管理的出口法规和程序.

LOL外围下注的教师都是各自领域受人尊敬的专家,拥有数十年的解读和指导美国法律的经验.S. export controls.

您的贸易活动是否涉及出口管理条例(EAR), 国际武器贸易条例(ITAR)或外国资产管制办公室 & 禁运(OFAC)、ECTI培训可帮助您更有效地管理出口活动,降低风险.

LOL外围下注的培训研讨会适合所有人 export-related job functions at U.S. companies as well as affiliates of U.S. companies located outside the United States.

Registration Options

ITAR Controls Seminar

October 7-8, 2024

View Agenda

ECoP® ITAR renewal credits = 4

USD $1,535

EAR/OFAC Controls Seminar

October 9-10, 2024

View Agenda

ECoP® EAR renewal credits = 4

USD $1,535

BOTH Seminars

October 7-10, 2024

SAVE $235 when you attend both!

ECoP® ITAR/EAR renewal credits = 4 each

USD $2,835

注册参加本次活动,即表示您同意LOL外围下注的 Terms of Use and Seminar Policies.

Meet Our Instructors


Bailey Reichelt

Managing Partner – Aegis Trade Law LLC

Bailey Reichelt是Aegis Trade Law (DBA Aegis Space Law)的创始合伙人。, 一家专注于协助商业航天公司驾驭复杂的联邦法规的精品公司. 

View Bailey's bio.


Donald Pearce

Senior Advisor – Torres Trade Advisory

唐纳德·皮尔斯是一名退休的美国特工.S. 商务部工业和安全局(BIS), leverages his expertise in trade controls, investigations, 为客户提供出口合规方面的国家安全建议.

View Don's bio.


Jack Shelton

Founding Partner – Aegis Trade Law LLC

Jack Shelton是Aegis Trade Law (DBA Aegis Space Law)的创始合伙人, 一家专注于协助商业航天公司驾驭复杂的联邦法规的精品公司. 

View Jack's bio.

Guest Speaker

Christopher Stagg

Attorney – Stagg PLLC

克里斯托弗•斯塔格(Christopher Stagg)为客户提供美国经济各方面的咨询服务.S. 出口管制法律,特别是涉及战略问题的法律, jurisdiction and classification matters, 内部调查和执法辩护.

View Christopher's bio.


Why should I attend?


Increased efficiency
  • 更好地理解遵从性需求和标准
  • Improved navigation of export regulations
  • Shortened timelines for compliance processes
  • Implementation of best practices
Risk mitigation
  • Increased supply chain security
  • Up-to-date knowledge on rule changes
  • 减少可能延迟交易和出现法律问题的错误和疏忽的风险
  • 改进的记录保存和合规管理
  • 提高在客户、合作伙伴和权威机构中的声誉
  • 提高对外市场贸易能力
  • Faster screening of opportunities

Seminar Schedule & Agendas


8:30 AM – 12:00 PM

12:00 PM – 1:00 PM

1:00 PM – 5:00 PM

ITAR Export Controls Agenda

Overview of U.S. Export Controls

  • U.S. Export Control Policy & Primary Regulations (ITAR/EAR/OFAC)
  • Key Governing Agencies & ITAR Compliance Resources

ITAR Controlled Activities

  • Exports, Reexports, and Retransfers
  • Technical Data Releases to Foreign Persons
  • Defense Services
  • Temporary Imports & Other Controlled Activities
  • Prohibited Countries & Ineligible Parties

Controlled Items


  • Jurisdiction: ITAR vs. EAR; Definition of “Defense Article”
  • The U.S. Munitions List & “Order of Review”
  • “Specially Designed” & Special Classification Issues
  • Commodity Jurisdiction Determinations

Technical Data


  • Technical Data in the ITAR & Software Directly Related to Defense Articles
  • Public Domain Information

Registration and Empowered Officials

  • Registration Requirement & How to Register with DDTC
  • Obligations of Registrants
  • 指定“获授权官员”的考虑



  • What are Exemptions? / Excluded Items & Countries
  • Public Shows; Temporary Imports Exemptions
  • Technical Data Exemptions; Allies Maintenance Exemption
  • Canada, UK & Australia Exemptions
  • US Government Exemptions; Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Exemption


  • Licenses vs. Agreements
  • The Art of the License Application
  • DTrade / DSP-5 Applications
  • Marketing & Foreign Person Employment Licenses
  • License Amendments



  • 制造许可协议和技术援助协议
  • Agreement Application & Agreement Guidelines
  • Scoping Agreements
  • Sublicensing
  • Dual/Third Country National Employees
  • Handling Hardware in Agreements
  • Warehouse & Distribution Agreements
  • Agreement Amendments
  • Government Review Process
  • Congressional Notification
  • Checking License Status
  • Expedited Licensing Programs


  • Destination Control Statement
  • 自动出口系统:电子出口信息归档(EEI)
  • Routed Export Transactions, Schedule B & HTS Classification
  • Working with Agents:  Freight Forwarders & Customs Brokers
  • 硬件、技术数据和国防服务出口清关要求
  • Exemptions Recordkeeping & Agreement Administration

Compliance Programs

  • 建立有效的合规程序:模型 & Structure
  • Licensing vs. Compliance; Who is Responsible?
  • Key Elements of a Program
  • Written Programs & Procedures / Recordkeeping Requirements

Export Control Reform & Recent Developments

  • ECR和现有许可/协议过渡规则
  • Latest ECR Regulatory Changes
  • Other Recent Developments in the ITAR

Special ITAR Issues


  • 经纪:要求,注册,事先批准 & Reporting
  • Political Contributions, Fees & Commissions

ITAR Enforcement

  • Enforcing Agencies: US Customs & Border Protection
  • Enforcement Methods, Fines & Penalties
  • What Constitutes an ITAR Violation?
  • Personal Liability for Civil Penalties
  • Subpoenas, Investigations & Voluntary Self-Disclosure Considerations
  • Case Studies:  Recent Enforcement & Audit Actions


EAR/OFAC Export Controls Agenda

Introduction to the EAR

  • U.S. Export Control Policy & Primary Regulations (ITAR/EAR/OFAC)
  • Roadmap to Parts of the EAR

Controlled Activities

  • 受控项目/活动:商品、软件和技术
  • Exports, Reexports & In-country Transfers
  • Non-U.S. Origin Items Produced with U.S. Origin Content or Technical Data
  • Deemed Exports and Reexports
  • Other Regulated Activities



  • Jurisdiction: EAR vs. ITAR; Which Agency Has Authority?
  • 如何对项目进行分类:确定和阅读ECCN
  • 商务控制清单:EAR99, 600系列,和其他eccn
  • Order of Review
  • “Specially Designed” Definition, Exclusions & Implications
  • Requesting an Official Classification

Technology & Software Classifications


  • Determining ECCN for Technology & Software
  • 技术和软件“出口”的定义
  • Items Not Subject to the EAR; “Publicly Available”
  • 基础研究/教育信息/专利申请

No License Required (NLR)


  • NLR Determination
  • Using the Commerce Country Chart

License Exceptions


  • 基于eccn的许可例外(STA、GBS、CIV、LVS、ENC)
  • 基于情况的许可例外(RPL, TMP, GOV)
  • Restrictions on License Exceptions
  • 600系列和9X515的许可例外问题
  • Technical Data & 软件许可例外(TSU, TSR, ENC, TMP, CIV)
  • Wassenaar Reporting

End-Use & End-User Controls


  • 被禁止方/禁运国/扩散活动
  • 军事最终用途/用户(中国、俄罗斯、委内瑞拉)
  • Red Flags, EAR General Prohibitions & Antiboycott

License Applications

  • 何时以及如何向BIS申请License
  • Special Support Documents & Requirements
  • SNAP-R /电子备案/许可证审核流程

Export Clearance

  • Foreign Trade Regulations (FTR) & Automated Export System (AES)
  • Harmonized Tariff Schedule & Schedule B
  • Export Documents & Shipping
  • 600系列和9X515的特殊要求
  • Destination Control Statement

Compliance Programs

  • Effective Compliance Plans & EMCP Core Elements (BIS)
  • Resources: Where Can I Go for Help?
  • Export Compliance Transaction Checklists & Automation
  • Developing a Classification Matrix
  • Areas of Frequent Compliance Breakdown

Export Control Reform (ECR) & Recent Developments

  • Latest ECR Regulatory Changes
  • Other Recent Developments in the ITAR
  • 最近OFAC更新:CAATSA法案,古巴制裁
  • Wassenaar & Missile Technology Control Regime Changes

Reexports: When Do U.S. Rules Apply Outside of the U.S.?

  • General Guidelines & Who is Responsible for Reexport Compliance
  • 600系列和9X515美国内容的特殊规则
  • Foreign-made Items Incorporating U.S. Parts or Technology

U.S. Embargo Controls

  • Embargoed Country Destinations:
    • Cuba
    • Iran
    • North Korea
    • Syria
  • Sanctions on Sudan, Crimea
  • Evolving Controls on Russia

EAR Export Enforcement

  • Enforcement Fines, Penalties & Case Studies
  • Subpoenas, Investigations & Voluntary Self Disclosures
  • Preventing and Coping with Violations



Explore DC!

Guest Room Reservation


Embassy Suites by Hilton Alexandria Old Town
1900 Diagonal Road
Alexandria, VA 22314


在会场酒店,为研讨会参与者保留了有限的客房. Group rate ends September 6, 2024.

房间按先到先得的原则提供. Book early to ensure availability.

Guest room rate: $242 Single/Double
To book your room, contact the hotel at +1 703-684-5900 and mention booking code UEC or use the guest room booking link.

Visit hotel website.
Embassy Suites DC

Health & Safety Notice:
LOL外围下注的客户和员工的健康和安全对ECTI至关重要. LOL外围下注将继续监测任何公共卫生问题, LOL外围下注致力于达到或超过适用的指导方针或要求,以确保LOL外围下注的与会者和演讲者的安全.

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演讲者知识渊博,引人入胜. Real world knowledge and practical guidance! 我真的很喜欢这个会议(第三次参加了),总能学到新的东西.

Bryon Relyea

Sr. Trade & Import Compliance Specialist, Avantor

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Jim Snover

SVP Quality, Zodiac Aerospace

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ECTI的培训课程是任何在公司出口管制项目中扮演关键角色的人的“必备”. ECTI一直在改进和更新他们的程序. This is my 3rd time at this seminar.

Joseph Prezioso

Consolidated Industries, Inc .高级质量工程师.

Other Upcoming Seminars

Amsterdam, NL
October 21-24, 2024

ITAR, EAR和OFAC的非美国出口管制研讨会.S. Companies

View Event
Asset 3-4
Phoenix, AZ November 4-7, 2024

ITAR, EAR, and OFAC Export Controls Seminar

View Event
Miami, FL December 2-5, 2024

ITAR, EAR, and OFAC Export Controls Seminar

View Event
San Diego, CA January 13-16, 2025

ITAR, EAR, and OFAC Export Controls Seminar

View Event

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